I actually only write thoughts.
I thank you! – Sounds quite good. The thing with R. is coolly resolved. Thanks for that too 🙂 Consensus on pretending is quite cheeky 😛 – but that’s me too.
Regarding the story: So the „nice“ producer had something against my friend, said he was a lousy cajon player and shouldn’t be in the band, etc. etc. …. That was already the case in June. Then in August, he talked to the WDR, where I was already last year without him, about a shooting schedule and signed me up alone there – without the band. He told me that was also better for the WDR. During my personal conversation with the author of the show, whose number I still had, it turned out that no one at the WDR had anything against the band … „Aha,“ I thought to myself. Then he came to the shooting and posed me as if he were the hero of the strawberry field. My friends and fans were all upset about him. Last time in the studio, I wanted to show him videos of me WITH my band, he said he didn’t want to see them, I should just play them for him… He simply revealed his true colors – maybe he thought: „Now that I’ve produced her and out of fear of losing this con, she’ll do what I want…“ – Yeah right, I’m not letting myself be fooled! Then there was this other thing. He wrote to me: „Keep Tuesday free, from 6 to 10 pm, just you solo!“
And that’s it again. So I asked him if he wants me solo there or if that’s what they want – and he started copping an attitude – he said I would take everything at first and when it comes to giving back, there’s nothing. He had stuck everything up my ass and now I would attack him like that. And if I don’t want to make music with him anymore, I should tell him differently and not in such a nasty way…“ Apparently, the matter was already somehow clarified for him before. The GEMA rights contract he was supposed to send for me (already 3 weeks before the „clash“) he gladly held onto – so GEMA now believes I am no longer interested in a membership and has therefore asked their staff to refund me the registration fee.
Although nothing has come of it yet, honestly, I have way too much other crap on my plate to care about that too. Fed up. So ‚Fuck GEMA‘, that dear producer is now earning from my music and I don’t see any of it – even the things purchased on the internet are financially going to him… I probably won’t be allowed to play them anymore. Because by doing so, I’m „stealing“ his rights, right… so ‚Fuck you, Mr. Producer! – „I have other songs, and I haven’t even shown you my rough hits…“ or something like that…
So that’s the situation in that regard. And I’m not in the mood for fights – not again! So yeah, you’re right, things aren’t really going well for me… I also get really worked up quickly when it comes to this topic.
But that’s just how it is. I have to fall on my face to learn, sometimes it just doesn’t work any other way… I always had to do it somehow…
Songs for my personal therapy
It’s noisy in my family!
I have the music and then somehow the words fall into place.
I want to tell people to live their lives.
I’m not very good at handling criticism, but I try.
I want a band!
Generation stupid („Generation blöd“)
I serenaded the whole Frankfurt Criminal Police (Kripo) that evening!
Read an excerpt from my interview with Cynthia Nickschas here:
HAMCHA: Well, there are also people who keep things private in terms of personal matters.
Cynthia Nickschas: I don’t, I have nothing to hide.
HAMCHA: Last Saturday, I did a four-hour interview here with Prinz Chaos. I believe it turned into about 35 pages that have already been transcribed, and he said there is a new generation of songwriters to which you also belong, which is quite different from the generation of songwriters like Wader, Degenhardt, May, and Wecker. Do you see this difference as well?
Cynthia Nickschas: Yes, I see the difference as well.
HAMCHA: What is the difference?
Cynthia Nickschas: I see this primarily in the fact that I believe we are more open with each other. We invite each other more often and are more likely to uplift each other. We have a lot in common. I especially believe that we share thoughts of little revolutions and want to start a kind of peaceful revolution. Back then, they may have said things individually, but they never really brought it together. What I find cooler about today’s generation of songwriters is that when you know each other, know the lyrics, and stand together on stage, do things together. Also, addressing people in a way that is not reserved but more honest than before, not so subtly spoken.
HAMCHA: What inspired you to become a songwriter?